Do you know, today 11th October 2022 is 75days to Christmas 2022.
What are you plans? Or are you just going with the flow.
We all know that times are tough so why not start planning on time. Little drops of water could make a mighty ocean.
So how do I plan? I start by making a list of the things that I need to make Christmas a jolly one for me, my family and friends and draw out a budget. I check out vendors on Instagram for price ideas, meal ideas, gift ideas and my most favourite, Christmas decor ideas and then I look through my list to see what I can afford to buy right now and I go ahead to buy, straight up. I also have a huge set of Christmas decoration which I look through to see what's available and what's not and I add to my list any additional item that will be required within my budget; I always want some new decor design.
In the coming weeks, I will be sharing inspiration for all things Christmas from recipes to the Christmas decor ideas, to gift inspiration and more. So, see you then!
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